Workshops & Classes

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VitriNiti offers various classes/workshops.  Following are several descriptions of the classes/workshops being offered.  In addition to these, classes can be designed or tailored specifically for your group (groups can be as small 3 participants).  Please contact VitriNiti for more information on this.

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Scent, Sense & Sensibility

2 Hour Class

This is a unique class that integrates classic Aromatherapy and Awareness.  Learn how to use essential oils safely and sensibly. Engage your senses and discover a plant empowerment technique.  Experience integrating the scent of the plant oils and their beneficial properties with your awareness.  Practices to support your immune system, manage stress, and reduce anxiety.  Handout and mini oils kit will be provided for use in the class and to take home for continuing the practice.

Aura Deep Cleanse

2 Hour Class

Identification with the body, the emotions or the mind diminishes our ability to connect with the wisdom and divinity within all of us. In this class you will be guided through an Aura Deep Cleanse using 7 Essential Oil Blends that represent the different layers within the aura. By utilizing these specific oils in a systematic way, we can deeply unwind the energy body and help to set a new pattern in the energy body. Hand out and mini essential oils kit will be provided for use in the class and to take home for continuing the practice.

Classic and Energetic Aromatherapy Using Top 20 Essential Oils

3 Hour Class

This is a series of three 3-hour classes.  In each class we will engage with 7 plants/essential oils and how they can be used and applied for physical and energetic purposes in daily lives.

This class is designed for those who are new to essential oils as well as those who are familiar with them but would like to know more in-depth aspects of the plants/essential oils, the various physical and energetic uses, and approaches.

Happiness Generator & Materialization

3 Hour Class

While money doesn’t buy happiness, studies show that happiness attracts money!

In this workshop that’s based on the best-selling book Happy for No Reason by Marci Shimoff and combined with Plant Prana teachings on Materialization Technique, you’ll learn steps to easefully raise your level of happiness that can help make it easier to materialize your desire.

We will raise your vibration and your baseline of happiness.  This means that no matter what happens at work or home, no matter what stress plows into you, no matter how dire the circumstances, you will be able to shift and return to your natural state of joy easier and in less time.

Please contact Vitri if you are interested in any of these workshops and classes.

Also, make sure to sign up for the VitriNiti Newsletter!

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